Monday, February 19, 2007


From: A people who would rather kill than eat (Robert Fulford, National Post, February 17th, 2007)

Earlier this month, under the guidance of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, representatives of Hamas and Fatahmet in Mecca, agreed to stop shooting each other for now and began the formation of a united government. Hamas insisted that it still doesn't recognize Israel and never will. Abolishing Israel is its only political program. Without it, there would be no reason for Hamas to exist.

Since the Mecca conference, the United States, Israel and the Europeans have said they will "wait and see" how the new government works out. What's to wait? What's to see? The West, having sworn to oppose Hamas until it recognizes Israel and gives up terrorism, is obviously considering the restoration of funds. What they are waiting for is someone who will propose a formula to let this happen without making everyone involved look like Neville Chamberlain. They will find a way.

Meanwhile, the central tragedy of Palestinian life continues to unfold, consistently made worse by Palestinian leaders: About a third of Palestinian children under age five suffer from chronic malnutrition. That's not the result of famine or the indifference of the world. The reason, so far as the record shows, is that Palestinian adults would rather kill than eat and would rather kill than see their children eat.

The strength of Hamas lies in the fact that the rational West is so horrified by this truth that it will go to extreme irrational lengths to deny it.


erp said...

I guess it hasn't happened yet that Moslems love their children more than they hate Jews. h/t Golda Meir.

Lord Grattan said...

One must remove the sand from his eyes in order for the eyes to see clearly. (An old Arab saying I just made up.)

joe shropshire said...

This is the same thing Spengler's been saying for some time now. For example, from the piece on Jimmy Carter that David linked and you liked ("Jimmy Carter's Heart of Dorkiness"):

Horror is the ultimate weapon of the Muslim world against the West, I long have argued. Traditional society is crumbling, and with it identities of peoples who comprise a good one-third of the world's population. Many rather would perish than give themselves over to a world that offers them neither hope nor consolation. Suicide bombing is the least expression of their despair, which impels them toward perpetual war. If entire peoples are bent on self-destruction, no outside agency can prevent it. But the destruction of whole peoples overwhelms the Western mind.

Mistah Carter, he dead.