Friday, December 29, 2006


Quebecers are a riddle within a mystery completely inaccessable to the Anglo mind. Defiantly proud in the company of others, alone they have a delightfully savage sense of self-mockery that translates into the best social and political comedy in North America. Through the good offices of my son, I offer you these short takes from a current Internet series that is apparently all the rage here and here. Dusting off that old French grammar book may not help you much--this is Quebec street French, but perhaps there are enough facial exaggerations and anglicismes to see you through. Your enjoyment of the first one will be aided by knowing that patates is Quebec slang for breasts.


Unknown said...

I thought they were saying Pop Tarts!

Unknown said...

Yes, the Halloween skit. The other one was about potatoes.

So now you think potato is a codeword for breast?

Brit said...

Those things are very much dwellers of the Uncanny Valley.

Unknown said...

Do all Quebeckers have buck teeth?

Sadly, it is a trait that runs in my family. Thank G-d for orthodontics!